“Trump and Infrastructure” An overview of Bay Area logistical infrastructures facilitated by Empire Logistics: vulnerabilities, key sites of struggles, and important connections to broader dynamics along the global supply chain. […]
East Bay Community Mapping Workshop
10–3pm, Sunday September 25th 101 Broadway Oakland, CA This day-long open research session seeks to bring together local housing, labor, infrastructure, ecology and data/open access activists to make connections among […]
Presented as part of the panel “Art and Logistical Disruption” at the Arts of Logistics conference at Queen Mary University of London. Sunday, June 6, 2016 This presentation argues that […]
Southern California: Capitalist Gateway
Presented at Angels Gate Cultural Center, in conjunction with the exhibition HOLD UP Sunday, March 6 1 pm Free with Ken Ehrlich, and A.W. from the L.A. ONDA collective Southern […]
Warehouse Worker Inquiry
NOTE: The questions listed below assume a substantial degree of trust has already been established and the worker is comfortable with describing his or her work situation. The purpose of […]
Mapping the Cybernetic Supernode
Presented at the David Brower Center in partnership with Empire Logistics Monday, November 30 7 pm Free How do products move through our spaces, and why does it matter? This […]
The Chinese Logistical Sublime and Its Wasted Remains
Sent from Taipei, the last post in a container ship ethnography.
In Non-Places, No One Can Hear You Cry
Post 4 in a series of ethnographic notes sent from the Pacific Ocean.
Landlessness and the Life of Seamen
The bow of the ship is the only place on the Ever Cthulhu that affords a modicum of silence. To get there, you walk down the length of the narrow […]
The Quiet Port is Logistics’ Nightmare
It is 3am on a Wednesday when we pick up the Port Angeles pilot who will take the ship through the Puget Sound. All day, we have been sailing through […]