NOTE: The questions listed below assume a substantial degree of trust has already been established and the worker is comfortable with describing his or her work situation.

The purpose of these interview questions is:

1.) To find out what operations are actually happening inside the warehouse.

2.) To establish the working conditions and the issues for the workers at this warehouse

3.) To establish and build a relationship with these warehouse workers.


Interview Questions

1. How long have you worked at this warehouse?

2. Please describe your job in the warehouse.

2. How much are they paying you per hour?

3. When you first started working here, were you working for a different company, maybe a temporary agency?

4. How much were you being paid per hour when you first started?

5. How many hours a day are you working? How many hours a week?

6. Are you paid overtime when you work past eight hours per day/40 hours per week?

7. How much do they pay you when you work overtime?

8. Are you happy with your pay? Do you think you wages should be higher?

9. Do your current wages cover your expenses each month?

10. Have there been any accidents in the in the warehouse since you started working there?

11. Please describe two of these accidents.

12. Did the worker received medical attention right away? Was he or she told to go back to work?

13. Do you know what happened to the worker after the accident? Did he or she received Worker’s Compensation?

14. Are there dangerous conditions inside the warehouse that management is ignoring? Please describe.

15. Do you think your employer is fair to the workers or unfair? Please explain.

16. Is there anything at the warehouse that you think should be changed?